I am so excited to be going on this journey with Dr. Hyman and his team and learning how to detoxify my body with food. I am doing this detox because after struggling for over half of my life with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, I am tired of being ruled by prescription drugs and the side effects they bring. Many people who do not have a chronic illness can not fathom the idea of being in constant pain 24/7, stiffness, inflammation and constantly smiling on the outside when I am crying on the inside. I am 30 years old and some days I feel as though I am 90 years old. I previously lost a lot of weight (150lbs) but after my rheumatoid relapsed, I was put back on prescription medications and gained some weight back. There are some days where all I can do is cry because of the frustration and helplessness this disease has caused me to feel. I do believe food is the best medicine and am willing to take a step out of my comfort zone to experience what it feels like for my body to be at its optimal operating level. My dream in doing this is to ease my dependence on prescriptions and to stop putting harmful foods and chemicals into my body which I know the 10-Day Detox Diet can do. When you think of a detox, weight loss comes to mind..but I feel like if I focus more on healthy eating and becoming in tune with my body, the weight loss will come. I am SO much more than numbers on a scale and health means more than just weight loss.

During these next 10 days: my goals are to stay consistent with the meals, exercise, water and supplements; increase my knowledge about what is beneficial for my body and what is toxic, and lastly to push myself out of my comfort zone. I’ve always struggled with emotional eating (Haagen Daas anyone?) and being so busy that I take too many shortcuts. There is always an excuse as to why I can’t go the extra mile to choose healthy versus what is convenient (I’m in pain, swollen, tired, too busy, etc.). I have to realize that I am worth it! I am worth the sacrifice and the time! I can not live the life I am meant to live nor fulfill my purpose in life, if I am too sick to live it. This will not be easy but I am up for the challenge and hopefully as you follow me through these next 10 days, you will be inspired to change your life as well!